Thursday, May 9, 2013

Updates on Tony

Tony's appetite has been coming back. He especially enjoys eating a whole totinos pizza for most meals. Yesterday was his second appointment for the IGG (the part of the immune system that remembers past illnesses needs to be helped along because the prograph is suppressing it). He has one more appointment next month, and then the doctors say he should be able to get his groshong out. (the port that is in his chest). We are so excited. It has been kind of annoying for him to have to cover it in plastic every time he showers. He is looking forward to being able to swim relatively soon. Hooray! They are also going to start taking him off of the pro graph(immunosuppressant) starting next month. It usually takes about 3 months to fully wean someone off of them (to make the risk of GVH (graft vs. host) smaller). This was all very good news. He may also be able to travel starting late summer. We are crossing our fingers, but it really looks like it's truly all up from here!

1 comment:

  1. BEST NEWS EVER!!!!! This is cause for a BIG celebration! SOOOOOO happy for you all.
