Friday, May 10, 2013

The Park with Daddy

We went to the park today (after the sun was low enough for the whole park to be shaded). It was beautiful weather (considering according to the forecast it was supposed to be raining on us). We got the whole park all to ourselves. We had a really good time. 

Jack especially likes this toy at the playground. When his isn't distracted by the wind, or a passing dog, or a bird......he is really really good at bouncing on this contraption. 

Jack is starting to be able to communicate with us more. He says "more" in sign language when he is hungry. We taught him to raise both arms over his head to say "all done." He knows how to use the words "ow" and "uh-oh" in the right circumstances. When he wants to go outside he grabs his shoes and brings them to me. (or my shoes, or Tony's shoes, or one of each). If he can't find any shoes he bangs on the closet door. He knows when we are going to zumba, because he sees my Trader Joes bag that holds all my zumba stuff. He will go get his shoes and wait by the door. If I tell him it's time to take a bath, he runs for the bathroom and starts putting toys in the tub. I also put a few of his snacks down on a shelf on his level. Then when he is hungry, he can bring me the box that he wants. He has really enjoyed his newfound communication. He also picks out one half of his outfit everyday. (I let him pick his pants, and then I match something to them. I am still kind of a control freak about his clothes). He is growing up so fast and we are so proud of him. What a great kid!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Brittany,

    Wow, that Jackster is learning new ways to communicate. Obviously, he will always know how to signal you about anything. Wait until he starts talking a blue streak - you'll wish he would go back to using Indian signals. Love, Grandma Lewis
