Monday, October 15, 2012

Time to Brush

The fabulous Jason and Amanda showed me how little Joseph can brush his teeth....gums.... and he is super super good at it. It is sooooo cute. So I stole their great idea and gave Jack a toothbrush. He is not very good at actually moving the brush back and forth. But he will stick it in his everything else he comes in contact with. But it sure made for some super cute pictures.

Thanks for the wonderful idea Jason, Amanda and Joseph! You guys are the best!


  1. He makes it look good! I love the second one especially.

  2. He'll get the hang of it :) Oh! Send me your email on FB please! I would like to add you to my blog list so you can read my blogs :) I have three but two of them are private and you need an email invite to view them.
