Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Storm Update

The storm did not hit us as hard as we thought it would. It was really windy and rainy last night and we lost power around 6:30. Jack was really good and did not have a meltdown due to the darkness. We were so proud. The lights came back on at 1 o'clock this morning. I know because we forgot to turn off all the switches so the house lit up. We have been very fortunate in this storm. New York and New Jersey did not fare as well. We are praying for them.

This is the view from our front door. Basically, the worst the storm did for us was cover everything in fall leaves. Again, we were very fortunate and grateful for our safety. 

Jack loves crepes....He is definitely a Lewis! :)

Today, I put Jack in his play room and went into the kitchen to make his breakfast solids. When I came back to get him, he was standing up, holding onto the window sill. I was so proud....and then I saw the plant on the floor. JACK! There was dirt everywhere! It is time to babyproof at the next level. His is getting really good at pulling himself up to standing, and he is working on sitting back down. He can get himself back down about 60% of the time. The other times, he just calls for help, and we remind him how to sit down safely. He is growing up too fast. What happened to the little boy that I could actually hold in my lap at church? I've already had to join the ranks of the mothers that chase their children during church. He wants to play on the ground, but then he tries to crawl away. One thing is for sure, this little man sure keeps us busy. We sure do love him!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Brittany and Tony,
    As I said on the phone yesterday, I'm happy the storm has not hit you very much. I've heard from relatives in D. C. and New York. The ones in DC had water (rain, I suppose) sweep over their outdoor patio, pulling up the flooring. The ones in NY are OK, but their properties have sustained a lot of damage. They still have no power which is expected to continue for quite a while.

    Well, it's about time for Jack to put on what I call his butterfly suit and go out tricking.

    Wow, he is certainly developing fast - he'll be walking before you know it, and then watch out!
    I love you, Grandma Lewis

    PS - And yes, liking crepes is a congenital defect in the Lewis Family. I can still remember teaching Kenny how to make them.
