Wednesday, January 16, 2013

P as in Pneumonia

Tony has had a terrible cough that he has not been able to beat. The doctors decided to do a CT scan to get a better idea of what was going on. It turns out he has pneumonia in both of his lungs. Fortunately it was caught pretty early and there is only a little fluid in each lung. They are putting him on some strong antibiotics and are pretty certain that it will clear up soon. If not, then they will do a procedure that looks for fungus infection (instead of bacteria infection). They made Tony do a breathing test today to see how much the pneumonia was inhibiting him, and he passed with flying colors. He has quite the lung capacity though, so I think that the pneumonia is really just making him more like the rest of the world. (They gave Tony a breathing tester to take home after his first round in the hospital and both my mom and I tried it out and we totally failed. Tony has the highest capacity on the all times. Anyway, we are hoping these antibiotics work because Tony is sick and tired...of being sick and tired. The cough is so strong it often makes him vomit, and that's just no fun. Please continue your prayers and positive vibes. Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Brittany,

    Thank you so much for the calls with information about Tony's pneumonia. Double pneumonia is very dangerous for someone whose immune system is compromised as Tony's is. But you hopped right on it which is why he's doing better. And I hope and pray he will be completely over it soon. I love you, Grandma Lewis

    PS - I love the way you stretch your dollars by taking advantage of thrift shops. It's amazing the great things you've found for Jack.
