Friday, January 25, 2013

My Little Man

                          We woke up to snow on the ground yesterday. Jack loves to stand at the window and watch it fall. (He bangs on the window panes).

Two days ago I let Jack feed himself completely by himself. He usually eats the finger foods on his own, but I control everything that involves a spoon. But it was almost bath time, so I stripped him down to a diaper and gave him all the control. He picked up on it really quick. There was definitely still a mess, but his bib caught all of it. (Thanks for the awesome bib Channa). He would dip the spoon, and then stick it in his mouth. (He always got too much on the spoon, which is why half of it ended up down his bib.

One of Jack's favorite things is to be dropped onto the bean bag. And we think it's hilarious because his hair gets super static-y. His is pretty good at getting himself off the bean bag too. He did a pretty great summersault yesterday. Definitely an acrobat. 

And this is Jack's new favorite way to use his pink push toy. I was quite impressed he figured it out all on his own. Close enough, I guess. Haha. What a kid!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Brittany,
    Jack is growing up TOO fast. He is either walking by now or just ready to take off.

    One thing I see is that Jack is totally right-handed so the Lewis curse did not affect him.

    Also, you can tell he is a Lewis by his love of the beanbag.

    By the time Tony recovers from the latest onslaught of tests and procedures, Jack will be able to walk to him. I love you, Grandma Lewis
