Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Not Done Yet

Tony had a CT scan yesterday to check on the pneumonia. They said it looks better in some places, but worse in others. So, tomorrow they will be doing a biopsy of his lungs to figure out exactly what is going on and so that they know exactly how to fix it. The biopsy is called a Bronchoscopy and is a 2 hour procedure where they insert a small tube through his nose and go into his lung and retrieve a small piece of his lung. Then they will be able to tell what exactly is going on. If it is a fungus, they will know exactly what kind of fungus it is and be able to treat it better. We are certainly not excited about the procedure, but we are excited that he will hopefully begin to get better. He is sick of coughing. Mostly, he is just sick of being sick. It is no fun, and it has been a long road for him. 
Jack has been a trooper and has adjusted his schedule to fit around doctors appointments and everything else. He is such a great kid. Also, he can now walk with me only holding onto one of his hands. So I think he is less than a week from walking on his own. Let the craziness begin. 


  1. Dear Tony and Brittany,

    I'm very sorry Tony has to go through yet another ordeal. I was very concerned when I first heard about the pneumonia with Tony's resistance very low. So we will keep on praying that things will be all right. Just do the best you can - after that, there is nothing more you can do. I love you, Grandma Lewis

  2. You'll be in our prayers tonight. I'm sorry this has been such a long road for you guys. Hang in there. We love you so much. <3
