Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Transplant Complete!

Tony's transplant began at 10:30 this morning. The lab got the stem cells last night and removed the plasma and most of the red blood cells. (They are unneeded) They tested the cells this morning and found that they had 98% viability. She said that's the highest they've seen in an unrelated donor, so we were pretty excited. They were especially amazed by that because it had been 48 hours since they had extracted them from the donor. (The donor was poked 50 to 100 times in the back (hip bones) to extract the amount of bone marrow that was needed). 

The original amount they started with (the bone marrow) was over 1300 ccs. After they removed most everything else (besides the stem cells) it ended up being 812 ccs, which filled exactly 14 of these syringes. There are 3.07 million stem cells in total that Tony received today. We were told that the engraftment will happen faster with more cells, so we are glad our donor was able to give so much!

This is what the blood came in. All 14 syringes were in this cooler. It is better to keep them cool.

This wonderful lady is Donna. This is who has been doing soooo much for us. She was responsible for finding our donor, getting us a grant to pay for the process of finding a donor, and a million other things. She was the one that did the procedure today. We listened to Mannheim Steamroller Christmas while she pumped each syringe into his port. After each syringe she had to flush the line with saline solution because the stem cells are thicker so they can cause the line to clog if its not flushed. 

Half way there! They were consistently monitoring his life signs all the way through. He stayed really steady and did really well. 

Tony took an ice cream break in the middle. 

We started syringe #9 at exactly 12:12 on 12/12/12. 

Last one!

Mission complete. 1:00 exactly. Tony felt a little nauseous after he was all done, so he is going to rest. We will not know if the engraftment worked for 14-25 days. It will be at that point that we also find out whether or not he has graft vs. host disease. That is where the new stem cells (which make up his new immune system) decide whether or not to protect or attack his body. They can identify his body as foreign and attack it. If that happens, they will suppress the new immune system even more until it gets used to its new home. He has 3 or 4 more doses of a milder chemo that will be given every few days to suppress the new cells. We are hoping that his counts begin coming back up around Christmas. 


  1. Thanks for this post. That is a miracle in action for sure. Brit, I have to say that you and Tony are so strong! We really look up to you. Soooo glad it is going well today. It is amazing to see the syringe of the anonymous donor and think about how much he is helping Tony and he has never met him. What a gift!!! I hope he knows what a different he has made. There are such good people in this world. We love your wonderful family! I am impressed as you continue to smile and be so positive through this whole thing. You're inspiring. We will keep sending prayers. Luv ya!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. We are all so incredibly happy right now! You da man Anthony! Still able to smile through it all! And you're the woman Brit..just amazing! We pray that Anthony's body and the new cells learn to get along soon. :-)

  3. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Just put a letter in the mail for Anth today...hope it makes you smile.

  4. We're so happy that this came finally came and that he's doing good. We're praying for him and you guys. Donors rule! Good job, Anthony!

  5. THANK GOODNESS!!!! I'm so glad to hear that he has a near perfect match for the transplant! Cross your fingers for him!

  6. TOOOOOOONNNNNNYYYYY!!!!!! TOOONNNNNNYYYYY!!!! Tony was a man...or..I mean, he was a half cancer man....or.... maybe he just had cancer...... but he was still TOOOOOOONNNNNNYYYYY!!!!!! TOOONNNNNNYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Absorbinating the new cells. Absorbinating the ice cream. Absorbinating all the marrow in the random dudes SYRINGES!!!!! IN THE SYRINGES!!!!!!!!! When all of the stem cells are through it, and emptiness has forsaken the syringes, only one guy will remain. my moneys on TOOOOONNYYYYYYY!!!!!! TOOOOOOOOOOONNYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! And then Tony sleeps in the NIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIiiiiiIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIGGGGHHTTTT!!!!1!!1!!!!!!!!!!11!!111!!!!1111!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!111
