Sunday, June 1, 2014

Brittany Update

I realize that because I am the writer of the blog, I tend to be the one taking the pictures and I tend to focus on Jack and Tony, so I have been asked to write an update about me. 

So for those that don't know I keep myself pretty busy. My first and favorite job is that of Mother and Wife. I love being able to spend so much time with Jack. He is the best kid a mother could ask for. I also am able to teach Zumba 5 times a week, and a Jillian Michaels exercise class once a week. 3 times I teach at my church building for those that want to bring their kids. Jack and all the other kids play around us as we exercise. Twice a week in the evening I teach Zumba at Curves gym. And Saturday mornings I teach the Jillian Michaels class.
I also work at the Farmers Market Saturday mornings (every other week) at the Crepe stand. I love it as I get to make one of my favorite dishes, and I get to hang out with my awesome friends. I have recently learned how to "spin" the crepes on the large griddles. It has been a great experience for me. 
A few months ago I started another awesome job. I am a personal chef on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for a few families. The first family I started cooking for has a lot of diet restrictions including low glycemic (no sugar), no wheat, no potatoes, no white rice, almost no dairy, and everything is organic, free range, ect...  The other family I cook for piggy backs on whatever I make for the first family. So I make a meal plan for each month and then I make a ton of food on those 3 days and deliver it to the families. It is awesome for me because I love cooking, and it helps us to afford to eat healthier. I actually lost almost 15 pounds in just the few weeks after starting the job because of the healthier eating. Eating healthy can be hard because it is so time consuming and expensive. So having this become my job has been extremely exciting for me. I have learned a lot about how what you eat can affect you quite drastically. I am actually considering starting another blog just with recipes that I have been serving. 
I helped start a preschool co op with several families close to us. Every Tuesday Jack gets to learn new things with his friends. He gets so excited when he realizes where we are driving. He says "preschool, preschool!" I was the teacher for the first month, and now we are on rotation with all the parents.
I also really enjoy biking on the beautiful bike paths in the area. Jack and I will often spend 3-4 hours biking from park to park. It is a real treat for both of us.
For those that don't know, I also help direct the musical over at the Middle School where I used to teach. I am in charge of all the music and singing. And then I help out here and there where it is needed. I run the sound system/microphones on the performance nights. I have done this for the last 3 years, and am planning on continuing the tradition. Last years production was of Mulan Jr. and I loved every minute of it. The next shows practices will start up around September/October and I am already getting excited. 
During Easter time and Christmas time I am part of a handbell choir that performs at the Temple Visitor center and at several different wards in our Church Stake. I have loved this opportunity because it was something I enjoyed in High School, but I thought I would never get another opportunity. 
I have been incredibly blessed out here on the East Coast. I feel like I am able to participate in almost everything that I am passionate about. (all I need is some sort of waterskiing and painting gigs). :) I love that I get to be with Jack and also do other things that I am passionate about. Jack loves to help me teach zumba and he has all my routines memorized.  He also loves to help me cook. Or when he is not in the mood for cooking, he sets up his cars on the rug and we chat while I cook and he rolls his cars around. I am one lucky lady. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm actually very interested in these recipes. Due to a lot of food allergies, I'm actually having a very hard time trying to find things to eat. Also, if you find a good egg substitute that will work for a great bonding agent, let me know. Andria and I made cookies with greek yogurt because it was all we had. haha. They turned out okay, but they just aren't the same.
