Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Temple Trip

We went today to the DC Temple. It was quite pretty with all of the tulips and dogwoods. 

The boys were hard to take pictures of because they are both so busy. 

This is an epic picture because Jack is coming up behind Joseph and Joseph can sense it. Run little guy, run!

Jack loved being in the dogwood tree. 

We loved this tulip. It was like "I am just going to grow right here in the middle of the bushes." Way to be your own 'flower' tulip. 

This was the cute picture of Jack with the dogwoods........ and this other one was of Jack showing how manly he is even when there are pink flowers in the background.

Jack and Joseph both loved the visitors center. It is a wonderful place to go. (Oh, and there was a sister missionary that looked almost exactly like Shay Shay. Tony and I both did a double take).


  1. Jack is so big! He looks like such a kid (as opposed to a baby).

  2. The Spring is so pretty in Virginia! The pictures of Jack and Joseph are so cute...I especially love the one of Jack sneaking up on his cousin, too funny.
