Thursday, February 16, 2023

Puppy dog eyes

Tony had a pretty bad migraine yesterday, which makes his vision funky. But after it went away, he noticed there was still a oval shaped spot in his vision. When he mentioned it to the doctors this morning, they called in a ophthalmologist. It turns out he has leukemic retinopathy - this does not mean the leukemia has spread to his eye. What this means, is because the chemo has caused his blood counts to be so low (in this case, the platelets), he has had a bit of bleeding in his retina. 

He posed for a puppy dog eye picture since his pupils are dilated. 

They're likely going to increase the bottom number that determines when he gets platelet infusions. She said it should heal on it's own after several weeks, but he'll get to stare at the spot until it does. 

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