Monday, February 13, 2023

If it eats through the tube, why are you putting it in me?

 Tony is on a medication 24/7 starting yesterday. It's called tacrolimus and it's an immunosuppressant that is used to prevent graft vs. host disease. The IV tubes are thicker and blue because it eats through the regular IV tubes. 

Tony isn't a big fan of having to walk the halls and shower with an IV pole attached to him. But today he was trying to remind himself that if all goes well, he's a third the way done being in the hospital. He should be able to leave in about 2 weeks. 

The doctors have been happy with how his body has reacted so far. Nothing unexpected has happened, and that's the best we can hope for. His heart function has been improving, and he's still able to walk and to eat.

His white blood counts have completely bottomed out and his platelets were really low today, so we're pretty sure he'll get a platelet infusion first thing tomorrow morning. 

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