Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Another Hospital Birthday

 Tony is not feeling super well today, but he is super grateful for all the thoughts and prayers you've been sending his way. His white count has been at zero for weeks, and today was the first time we saw any movement. It's a small movement, but he finally has a readable amount of cells! This should mean that it's only up from here. 

Tony's mom door dashed him his favorite jamba juice. His throat has been hurting quite a bit, so it's been difficult for him to eat. 

He also received a lot of well wishes and cards, so thank you to everyone that contributed to making his day brighter. 

Tony is still on oxygen, and is definitely sick of being attached to it all day and night. They tried to wean him off of it a few times, but his levels continue to crash when he's not on it. They did another CT scan today that showed he is improving, so they're pretty hopeful he'll improve over the next few days. 

Tony's hair is falling out. We weren't entirely sure if it would on this particular chemo, but it appears the moment has arrived. It's been coming out in large clumps. We're planning on shaving it off tomorrow. 

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