Wednesday, March 2, 2022

On the Up and Up

 If you haven't head the song Up and Up by Relient K, I suggest looking it up. 

Tony is starting to do better. He has been awake all day today and did quite a few laps around the oncology floor. He was able to take a shower, and didn't end up needing any transfusions other than some antibiotics and potassium. They took another chest x-ray today since he's still been struggling with breathing, and the Xray did show some improvement in his lungs. No fevers today and his oxygen stayed above 90% all day. (He is still on oxygen). 

They take blood every morning, and they aren't supposed to take it from his groshong catheter, so they poke him every morning. With his platelets so low, that has left him pretty bruised up. 

They are constantly giving him fluids, which has made his feet swell up significantly which has been a frustrating part of the day. 

He was able to drink an Ensure today, which is a significant improvement from the last few days of zero food. 

We are confident he is on the way up now. So we're breathing a bit easier today. 

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