Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Oh how quickly life changes!

It is crazy to think that I haven't posted for so many months. And, oh boy, can life change so much in just a few short months. The last time I posted I was still pregnant. Now, I have a beautiful 6 month old baby who is such a joy. He brings a smile to everyone around him. He is an absolute necessity to Tony in I as Tony battles cancer. Yeah, that is the other thing that has changed. Tony has Luekemia! The chances of having this type of Luekemia and being under 40 is 0.2%. But he is a statistician, so it makes sense that he would defy the odds. Haha. We are not enjoying the pains that the cancer and the chemo bring, but we are very much enjoying the extra time we get to spend together. Tony is on disability from work, and I get the wonderful opportunity to take care of him 24/7! And lucky Jack actually gets to hang with his daddy all day. Not many babies get that opportunity.

So I have decided I am actually going to update the blog from now on. I will be much better at putting updates and pictures up at least once a week.


  1. Love that youll be updating more. I think about you guys all the time, so I'll love to be following you here

  2. You guys are such a great family! and yes, that is very lucky to get to spend all that time with daddy.

  3. Much love britt! (and tony)!! Your little boy is so precious!! <3 I hope they can find a match for tony soon- and many prayers are being sent you way. Stay strong woman! (You are much stronger than I) And I think you are amazing. :)
