Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Big Baby Roring

The doctors were worried about me and the baby because at this point, with only 5 weeks to go, I have only gained 7 pounds. So we did an extra sono to measure him and just make sure everything was ok. And Baby Roring is more than ok. He is quite the little chunk. He already weighs 6 pounds. That means....if I go to my due date, I am going to have quite the large baby. In the ultrasound, we could also see that he was practicing his breathing. His chest is going up and down and up and down. Super cute. And you can kinda see in this picture that he already has chubba cheeks. Isn't he just precious! 

1 comment:

  1. That's odd that you're not gaining, but I'm so excited! I can't believe how fast the time went. I'm sure he will be healthy, chunky, cute, and happy. We pray for you, Amanda, Mylynn, and Carol all the time.
    With love,
