Saturday, April 16, 2022

White cells down for the count

 Tony has been able to be home since Monday. We go every other day down to Farmington to get his blood tested. Yesterday's results showed that his counts are all coming down. His white counts are the only ones in the danger zone at the moment. Right now, that mostly just means that we had a very low key Easter Saturday. And we will need to be very careful about germs for the next couple weeks. When his platelets or red blood counts get into the Danger zone, he'll have to start getting blood transfusions when we go down to Farmington. Tony has an appointment next week with his oncologist at Huntsman as well. We are hoping to hear back about a few of the tests they've been running on his DNA. 

On Wednesday night, we got a surprise visit from the Easter bunny. Our ward primary here did a great service and hid eggs and toys all over the front yard. We got the boys out of bed, and they threw on some jackets and collected eggs. It was such a wonderfully sweet thing for the primary to do for the boys. We're so grateful. 

Our pods finally got delivered on Thursday. Jordan and my parents were able to come up and help unload most of it. And then Brad came up Friday night to help with the last of it. We've taken quite a few loads over to our storage unit and we're slowly getting through the rest of it. One of the pods had a leak, so a lot of our stuff got wet. Most of it was fabric and we were able to wash and dry it, but a few boxes of books were affected. The rest of the pod was full of tightly sealed totes, so we're grateful we decided to mostly go with totes instead of cardboard boxes, besides some of the books. 

The boys finished up their first full week of school. They did really well and are already looking forward to next week. We are trying to get used to our new routine, but Tony's appointments aren't at regular times, so every day is a new adventure. We are very grateful to be living with Tony's parents so they can help when Tony's appointments overlap with the kids getting out of school. Yesterday, my parents were able to take the boys after school while Tony and I went to an appointment, and they got to experience laser tag and mini golf. They're really enjoying having all of this family so close.

Today, we started off the day with a driving Easter scavenger hunt here in Tremonton. Tony's mom helped me figure out all the clues since I know very little about the town. They had 10 different destinations and only an hour to get to them all. We did manage to get to them all within the hour, but one of the stops was out of candy when we arrived. All of the stops had full sized candy bars. The boys thought it was very cool and it was a very germ free Easter fun for us.  We also dyed some eggs that Erin gave us. They really enjoyed it and we ended up filling up a full flat of dyed eggs. 

1 comment:

  1. Our primary leaders are amazing! The primary president actually lives across the street from me too. She's so creative, I love it!

    I'm so glad you all had a good Easter weekend ❤️
