Saturday, September 14, 2013


The title is what most people have said when we tell them about Tony going back to the hospital....again.

Wednesday night, Tony started complaining about some pain in his stomach, around the bellybutton. He wasn't exactly sure what it was, but decided to sleep it off. Thursday morning it just felt worse, and the pain had started to localize on his right side. But being the awesome/tough guy that he is, he worked  the entire day, and just walked hunched over to lessen the pain. We finally took him to the hospital at about 8 o'clock Thursday evening. After waiting about an hour, they took us back, and quickly realized that he had appendicitis. They weren't positive though, so they made him drink these two cups of liquid   (it had dye in it so that they could see his insides better when they did the CT scan). An hour after he finished drinking, they did the CT scan and discovered that it was, indeed, appendicitis. May I just say: hasn't this guy gone through enough?

Autumn was awesome and watched Jack (sleep) until I came home around 1 in the morning. They decided to postpone the surgery until the morning. 

This is Jack and I waiting for Tony to come out of surgery. We waited a long time, and Jack was such a good sport. (It's amazing what an Ipad can do for entertainment).

When Tony woke up, he was in a lot of pain. It took them awhile to get him back to his room. They had him on a clear liquid diet, which included jello. The particular jello in the picture tasted salted, so we got him a different kind. 

He had to wear these to prevent blood clots. They do this for most people who have surgery. 

Tony is back home now, and feeling quite a bit better. This hospital stay was not his favorite because he didn't have his regular nurses, but we are hoping that this was his LAST hospital stay. The surgery really went well and the incisions are very small, and probably won't leave much of a scar. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this guy HAS had to tolerate too much. When your parents told me about Tony having his appendix out, I could not believe it! Than reading the information, I am just flabbergasted that they waited so long to operate. That scares me because if his appendix had ruptured, it would have been life-threatening. Now if he can just get better from this. I can hardly believe he worked while have appendicitis.

    Tell him I hope he gets well soon. I love you. Grandma Lewis
