Sunday, February 17, 2013

Bearded Tony

So his beard is not actually made of hair yet....but a beard beanie is a good start. Tony's mama is awesome and crocheted it herself. Now Tony can keep his head and face warm. Thanks Mama Roring. 


  1. that makes me way happy that she made it! I've been trying to figure it out but had no idea how lol It looks great on him :)

  2. That. is. awesome. I want to pay her to make one for Brett. Lookin good Tony!

  3. Dear Tony,

    I think you look absolutely ridiculous, and I'm sure you think so too. But that's an invention that was waiting to be invented. Your Mom is probably thinking of the freezing weather we've had in Utah this winter. She could make a lot of money making and selling those. In the meantime enjoy being warm. I love you, Grandma Lewis
