Friday, January 6, 2023

Pneumonia kind of a day

 Tony spiked a fever tonight, and since he's immunocompromised right now, that means automatic ER visit. Our little Kevin has bronchitis, so we originally thought that was most likely the cause since Tony had started coughing yesterday. His cough got worse throughout the day, and then we checked his temperature at 9 pm and he was 101. We called down to Huntsman and they said, definitely go to the ER, but not their ER. He said they were completely swamped and he wouldn't be able to be seen for hours. We were quite happy to head to our little Tremonton hospital instead. They had him back in a room within 5 minutes, and all the tests done within the hour. But then things got slow. We did have to wait for the ER doctor to communicate with his oncologists in Salt Lake City to make sure he was doing the best things for our current situation. We found out, surprisingly, that he has pneumonia. It's in a very early stage, but it's still not something you mess around with. So they have him on 3 different IV antibiotics: Rocephin, Azithromycin, and Cefepime. 

Unfortunately, they decided around 1 a.m. that they would need to keep him for the next 48 hours to watch his symptoms. We know this is for the best, but he is disappointed to be sleeping in the hospital again. We're not sure what this means for the timing of his transplant. The doctor was very clear he cannot start any kind of treatment if he has any sign of upper respiratory illness.  But we're trying to take things one problem at a time. 

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