Monday, July 4, 2022

Red, White, and ......Platelets

 Tony finished his most recent round of chemo on Sunday June 26th. We've been going down for blood draws to check his levels every other day. When we went in on Friday, his platelets were low, but not quite low enough for an infusion (They were 24 and they have to be below 15 for an infusion). (His white blood cells, specifically his neutrophils are at zero as well). They told us they had scheduled an infusion for Monday morning (today) at 7:10. We were definitely a bit concerned because he was already so low and they were putting it off several days without checking his blood. So we slept at a friend's house in Bountiful last night (Thank you Shay!) and made it here bright and early. They drew his blood and low and behold, his platelets are below 6 (the machine can't read any lower than that). So he's getting an infusion now. His neutrophils are still zero, but his red blood cells aren't low enough for an infusion (He didn't end up needing a red infusion on the last chemo round). 

For now, we are set to meet with his transplant team next Monday to discuss the DLI treatments. He is also scheduled for July 21 to start his final maintenance chemo. And then there should be 3 DLI treatments in total. Then (we think) he should be done with everything. 

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