Friday, April 18, 2014

When You're the Best of Friends

All week I was singing the song from Fox and the Hound, "When you're the best of friends." Jack and I got the wonderful opportunity of driving to West Virginia to visit our good friends. Channa and I were pregnant at the same time and often went on walks and went out to lunch and talked about how our boys were going to be best friends. 

Well I am here to tell you that they truly are. They moved to West Virginia in January, but Jack and Walden pretended like no time had passed. They rode their trikes and giggled. They shared their toys. That's right, you heard me right, SHARED. And wherever one of them went, the other followed. They couldn't be bothered to eat or sleep, they just wanted to play with each other. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen. 

We went down to the creek for a nice walk and saw that there were a million geese who were not shy at all. They knew that people meant food so they came right up to us. The boys loved it. 

Jack did a good job of splashing around in the shallow water and getting his pants and socks wet. 

And then we gave the kids some graham crackers to feed the geese. They laughed so hard, they thought it was so cool to be giving them food. 

2 of the geese came up on land to snack on the grass and before I knew it, Jack was racing toward them. Lucky for Jack, they didn't charge him, the hissed and slowly started walking away. Every time I caught him racing toward the geese I would run after him and make him walk away. Then he would wave and say "bye geese."

We also stopped at a playground. This rock wall was pretty big and he climbed to the top all by himself. He's getting so big. 

We had a wonderful time visiting and hope to go back soon. 

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