Saturday, December 7, 2013


After leaving way later than planned from Jersey, we decided to make a stop in Philadelphia (we had heard good things about their Cheese Steaks). 

None of us had seen the Liberty Bell before so we went in Jack and I had brief perfect timing. For some reason, no one was standing by the bell for a split second. Isn't he so cute?

And here is Independence Hall! So much happened here. 

And we actually stopped and bought a couple Philly Cheese Steaks. Dallin and Autumn suggested this place to us, so we met them there and all ate together. They are delicious, but Tony decided he still likes mine better (smart man). 

We had a great trip. And Jack was a trooper on the ride home as well. He deserves a party day with plenty of running around and no being cooped up in a carseat/stroller all day. 


  1. But, hey, Brittany - Jason lived in a car seat until he was about 12 years old. Love, Grandma Lewis

  2. Dear Brittany,

    When Jack grows up, you will have to tell him the true story about the Liberty Bell - about the crack and about the strange wording on it that ends with "Pass and Stow." Pass and Stow are the names of the people who made the bell. And, yes absolutely, Jack is a VERY VERY cute little boy. I love you. Grandma Lewis
