Wednesday, August 12, 2015

This Week's Twin Update

I am 32 weeks today. The twins are both still doing great and growing well. One is 4lb 8oz (59%) and the other one is 4lb 3oz (46%) so they are getting closer to each other in weight. There is absolutely no complications with them and they are definitely both movers. They also both get the hiccups quite a bit. They are still in a T position with Baby B across in my ribs. 
I am doing fine. I have been diagnosed with Cholestasis of Pregnancy, which basically means my body is producing too much bile acid. So I am on a medication for that. As a result of the Cholestasis, they have to deliver the babies a week earlier than planned, so the planned C section is scheduled for September 16th now. 
I have been super blessed to have a lot of help from the ward. Jack has at least one playdate every day and we have been getting 3 meals a week so that I am able to rest as much as possible. And then starting September 1st, I will have family help. Ariel is flying in, followed by my Grandma, followed by my parents, and then Tony's parents. So we are definitely being taken care of. We feel so blessed.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for updating everyone. I've been most anxious to find out how your doctor appointment turned out. Sorry you have to worry about Cholestasis, but things will be OK . It's good to know so many family members will be coming to help you. When you say "Grandma" do you mean Grandma Olson? If not, who?

    I hope Jack knows he will have two baby brothers on Sept. 16th.

    Keep resting as much as you can - you have to prepare yourself for the C-Section. I love you, Tony and Jack, Grandma Lewis
