Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ultimate Bike Ride

We did an awesome bike ride today. We started at our apartment in Falls church and then climbed on the beautiful trail that runs into DC. It is a gorgeous and fairly mild bike ride into DC. We passed a rose garden and then hit Gravelly Point (the planes from Reagan Airport take off right over your head). Then we headed to the natural history museum to see the free butterfly exhibit (It's only free on Tuesdays)

Jack loved the butterflies. He kept reaching up toward them. One came down on his level and he chased it around for awhile. 

We then headed for the botanical gardens (by the Capitol building), but we stopped in the sculpture garden for this sweet picture.

Then we wrapped around back to the Tidal Basin where Tony picked up mom and Jack. Their grand total in miles biking was 17.3 miles. We were really impressed by Jack's easy-going attitude during his long bike ride. 

After Tony, Mom and Jack headed back, Dad and I took the more direct route back home. There are more hills, so it is a harder trail, but more direct. Our grand total in mileage was 28.9 miles. It was a perfect day for biking. Beautiful weather. Low 70s and a light breeze. Who could ask for anything more? We are taking Tony to the Rose Garden tomorrow because that was a pretty light ride, but it is really beautiful and fun. Thanks for letting us borrow your bikes Norm!


  1. Hi - That was quite the spectacular bike ride!! I'm amazed at all the wonderful things you are taking advantage of while living where you are. I hope Tony fared as well as Jack. Love, Grandma Lewis
