Thursday, February 7, 2013

Getting Better

We went back to the doctor's office today and he had mostly good news. His blood is testing negative for the CMV, so his body is fighting it off and it is nearly gone. He can no longer hear crackling in his lungs, but there is still some wheezing. So he has to use an inhaler for awhile, but the coughing should be going away soon. Dr. Orloff also told us that, while this has obviously been hard, Tony is "on par" with what they had expected. The super good news is that everything points at a very successful engraftment of the new bone marrow. His body is producing a good number of blood cells and he has had no real signs of GVH (gravt vs. host disease where the new cells would attack him instead of help him). So essentially, it's only up from here. All of the medication has really made him nauseas, so we are hoping he can come off of a lot of the medications soon. He is tired of having no appetite. He also has had some temporary hearing loss in one of his ears because of all the medication. The doctor says it will come back after he is off all the meds. So we move forward. Go Tony Go!


  1. Go, Fight, Win! You guys are SuperHeros! Hope his cough and nausea gets feeling better and I hope BOTH of you are getting some rest. You deserve a REALLY nice vacation after all this. Plan that New Zealand trip! :)

  2. We are thinking of you all! Hang in there Anthony. We hope you feel much better soon.

  3. Dear Brittany and Tony,

    Although I understand it's still a hard fight until things are totally cleared up, things have turned around for the best. As you know, my motto is "Just do the best you can," and Tony IS doing the best he can. I hope one day soon, this will be behind Tony, and you Brittany, and you Jack!!!!

    I love you, Grandma Lewis

  4. Keep getting better Anth! We are going to be down there in a few weeks. Excited to see you guys!
