Saturday, December 8, 2012

All Plugged In

Tony wanted me to take some pictures of him all plugged in. I didn't have my awesome camera with me, so these are kinda blurry. They were taken with my phone. There is his IV stand with 5 different fluids pumping into him (one of them being the chemo. He gets chemo today and tomorrow).

Here is where 2 of the lines go into him. And each of them have an extra line that can connect into it, so there can be 4 total that go into his chest. On the right you can see how the nurse taped all the lines together and pinned them to him so they wouldn't get all tangled and get in the way. 

Here are the other 2 lines. I think Tony was a little sad that they needed to put one in his arm. That is no fun. 

On an extra note, the radiation actually made him get a light sunburn. I came to visit him and it looked like he had spent too much time on the beach. He said he couldn't really feel the burn, but his face and back looked quite red. He was looking better today now that the radiation is over. 

On another note, Jack is still sick. We are very grateful that we are able to use Skype so that Tony can see Jack. After the transplant, he is not allowed to come, and he is sick now, so he is not allowed to come, so Tony may not see Jack in person for a while. We are all pretty sad about that. Thanks Dad and everyone else that pitched in for getting Tony a laptop so he can Skype with his Jacko. It makes all the difference!


  1. Oh that's so wonderful he can skype with Jack! That is quite the blessing. I hope both your boys get better quickly.

  2. Skype is wonderful. Tony does look pretty picked on with all of those wires coming out of him. He has my sympathy.
